Today will be my last installment of Who is God?
- jealous and avenging – Nah. 1:2, 1 Thes. 4:6
- compassionate – Jam. 5:11
- not slow to fulfill His promise – 2 Pet. 3:9
- patient – 2 Pet. 3:9
- not a man that He should lie – Num. 23:19
- a consuming fire – Duet. 4:24, Heb. 12:29
- impartial and not subject to bribes – Duet. 10:17
- your dwelling place – Duet. 33:27
- greater than man – Job 36:5
- exalted in His power – Job 36:22
- a righteous judge – Ps. 7:11
- my helper – Ps. 54:4
- a revealer of mysteries – Dan 2:47
- true – John 3:33
- spirit – John 4:24
- my witness – Rom. 1:9
- not a God of confusion but of peace – 1 Cor. 14:33
- not mocked – Gal. 6:7
- not unjust – Heb. 6:10
- greater than our heart – 1 John 3:20
This list is minuscule and could never full describe God. He is more than words can declare.
Here’s a song we sang in church yesterday. It declares God’s faithfulness to us, and that all His “promises are yes and amen.” Enjoy.
Have a blessed week,