The One That Got Away by Elizabeth Maddrey

ElizabethMaddreyHeadshotElizabeth Maddrey began writing stories as soon as she could form the letters properly and has never looked back. Though her practical nature and love of math and organization steered her into computer science for college and graduate school, she has always had one or more stories in progress to occupy her free time. When she isn’t writing, Elizabeth is a voracious consumer of books and has mastered the art of reading while undertaking just about any other activity. She loves to write about Christians who struggle through their lives, dealing with sin and receiving God’s grace.

Elizabeth lives in the suburbs of Washington D.C. with her husband and their two incredibly active little boys. She invites you to interact with her at her website or on Facebook:

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Twitter: @elizabethmaddre


The One That Got Away

by Elizabeth Maddrey

When I started dating in high school, it was really more of a means to an end than anything else. I mean, I was tired of going stag to football games and school dances (and the dances were fun, even though I’m not a particularly adept dancer, so I didn’t want to just stop going), so having someone to go with was a definite step up. I always felt strongly in my heart that high school wasn’t where I was going to meet the man I would marry. (I know some people do, it always amazes me. Still, I have several friends with long marriages to their high school sweetheart, so it can work.)

College was a different story. I really only dated two people in college. One was a guy in my art 101 class who asked me out so much I finally agreed. Turns out, he asked me out only because I didn’t fawn all over him like he was used to girls doing. That was never going to turn into a life-long romance. And then there was my now husband. That’s it. Point being, I don’t have any grand stories of “the one that got away.” But it seems like everyone I’ve run into lately does.

I’m not sure how I feel about that whole business, honestly. I guess if you’re not married, then having that story isn’t a bad thing. But I listen to acquaintances talk about these mythical missing loved ones in front of their current spouse and wonder how that spouse feels. To me, it’s like saying, “Oh, honey, I know we’re married and I love you, but you’re not the one I wanted to end up with. You have the second place ribbon.”

It makes me cringe.

But it also gets the writer juices flowing. And so it set the stage for Ben Taylor, the hero of my current release. Ben measures everyone he dates against his long lost summer love and, as is common in situations like that, they all fall short. Of course, since it’s a romance novel and not reality, Ben has the chance to reconnect with the one that got away and figure out exactly why she disappeared after a magical summer at camp.

More about A Pinch of Promise:PinchFrontDrop

He never forgot his first love.

In the ten years since Ben Taylor last saw Marie, no other woman has measured up. After he meets Rebecca Fisher, the physical therapist rehabilitating his knee, Ben is convinced that she is the same woman he fell in love with so many years ago. She denies it at first, but his persistence causes her to admit the truth. Right before she pushes him away.

To escape a painful negative image created by her father, Rebecca Fischer has constructed an identity completely separate from her past. Seeing Ben, her long lost love, threatens to shatter her intricate illusions. As Ben digs to uncover the truth of who she is, Rebecca must decide if she will trust any man with her wounded heart.

But even if Ben can convince her to admit the truth, how will he be able to trust her love?

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I have a “one that got away,” but God gave me something so much better. 🙂 I would never go back and change the way things turned out for anything.

Thanks for joining us, Elizabeth.

Okay, readers, do you have a one that got away reunion story? Feel free to share a friend’s story with names changed to protect the innocent and the guilty. 😀


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2 thoughts on “The One That Got Away by Elizabeth Maddrey

  1. The one that got away…tall, good-looking Italian boy…fast forward a few years…he found me on Linked In and messaged me. We talked and since I’m single now and he is, too, he asked me to come watch a pro basketball game. I never really gave it any consideration as I’m in a good relationship, plus I had this wonderful image of him as a 17 yr-old. Not sure I want to ruin it.

    1. Aw, that’s fun, Patricia! And I totally get not wanting to mess up your memories. Sometimes it’s nice to leave things alone.

      Thanks for stopping by!

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