
I haven’t posted much in a while on personal matters. Not much time. Those people in the picture up there, they take a lot of time, but aren’t they a good-looking bunch?

School this year has busted my chops and I’m not even actively involved with the oldest two. What takes so long? I’m truly not sure. I check schoolwork – there is a lot of that. I answer questions. Then half the day is gone.

I’m also working on a new book, while editing another. Here’s the first few sentences on my newest work in progress – set in 16th century Scotland:

Neva Mackinnon flitted in and out of the trees. The branches and vines pulled on her clothes. The rocks and twigs cut at her bare feet. Her pursuer followed with the speed and agility of no man she had ever encountered. She lifted her skirts a little higher. She must go faster. Her knowledge of the woods would be her only advantage. Her heart pounded in time with her feet.

What do you think? Is it something you might be interested in reading? Not enough information? Sorry, you’ll just have to wait, or volunteer to critique it for me when I get it finished – I don’t want anyone reading it before I’m done with the rough draft.

What else is happening? Christmas, of course. There’s presents to purchase and wrap. The older the children get the harder they are to buy for. *sigh* What exactly do you buy 18 and 20 year old sons?

Our church is in the process of moving. We will have a “family” service in our new building January 1st, and then a community wide open house type service January 8th. We’re excited to see what God is going to do.

Thank God for time off.  🙂

Many blessings,



2 thoughts on “Ramblings

  1. Oh girl, I feel ya:) Today is the last day before break. I’m not sure who’s more excited, the kids or me. Truth be told, if they asked sweetly I’d probably be convinced to give us all today off! I’m attempting to start my next WIP and look so forward to some time to write. I loved your opening – how far are you?

  2. Thanks for commenting Susan. It helps to know someone is actually reading my blog. 🙂

    I’m 5,000 words in, but those are not sequential words. I have the beginning and then a few chapters in the middle somewhere (a scene came to me and I had to write it, though it didn’t fit right after what I’d already written).

    Have fun with your Christmas break. I’m trying to get a lot of writing and editing done now before the pace picks up again after the New Year.

    Good luck with the new WIP. What’s it about?

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