Rambling Wednesday #118 + RLT

I meant to write this yesterday, and I did try to get here to do it, but apparently my webhost site was down as I couldn’t even get to my webpage. And then I forgot. 😀

Third Wednesdays are now going to be me rambling about random stuff–my life, what I’m learning, what I’m writing, and whatever else comes to mind. I may throw in a random devotion thought, but it won’t be the whole post. At the end, or maybe at the beginning, I will add the infamous or obscure real life tip.

At the end of 2022, I bought The One Year Chronological Bible. I started it on Jan. 1. I’ve learned some interesting things while reading that, though I’ve read the entire Bible before, I didn’t see before.

  • God created all animals and people as vegetarians. (Gen. 1:29-30)
  • Ishmael had twelve sons. (Gen 25:16)
  • Esau married one of Ishmael’s daughters.(Gen 28:9)
  • When Jacob blessed Joseph’s sons, he said the younger would be greater than the older.(Gen 48:19)
  • When Jacob blessed his own sons just before his death, some of those blessings read more as curses.(Gen 49)

Reading these things chronologically has been interesting. I look forward to reading throughout the rest of the year.

I’ve been writing more. Posting the serial story has helped. I have yet to finish that book, so in order to keep posting chapters, I had to get to it. 🙂 Since the beginning of January, I have written … over 4000 words. It’s not tons, but it’s better than zero, and probably pretty close to how much I wrote for the whole of 2022.

Writing goals for 2023:

  • publish at least one book
  • finish getting my backlist (previously published books) into print format
  • blog here weekly, though BookWormMom will be taking over the recipe of the month week. 🙂

As for what else is going on in my life … not much. This week I’ve been sick. My husband caught something last week and shared. Wasn’t that so nice? I don’t seem to have it as badly as he did, so I’m grateful for that.

Our church is doing twenty-one days of prayer and fasting, which we do every January. Because of my health issues, I can’t fast food, so I am fasting soda and YouTube. It’s not been easy. Ten more days to go. 😀 If you’re interested in joining our prayer service, it airs live M-F at 6am and Saturdays at 9am on https://21days.churchofthehighlands.com/  or you can watch that day’s service at any time during the day. It gets replaced every day. 🙂

I’d also recommend our pastor’s most recent book, Pray First. It’s a great resource for prayer guidance.

I’m not much of a non-fiction reader, but I’m enjoying this book. It’s one of two non-fiction books I plan to read this year, a step up from last year’s one.

Six weeks … that’s how long until my youngest daughter gets married.

Aren’t they just so cute?

I don’t feel like I’m old enough to have four kids married (almost). But I am. Though I guess some days, shew … if you know, you know.

We love her husband-to-be. He is a good fit for her.

“I’m not crying; you’re crying.”

And that’s all for this week …

Except the REAL LIFE TIP: Don’t make a promise unless you know you can keep it.




7 thoughts on “Rambling Wednesday #118 + RLT

  1. I started the New Testament chronologically and I am so overwhelmed some days. I’ve never read it that way.

    Married kids…I just can’t even imagine yet!

      1. Honestly…sometimes it is just more than my brain can absorb. I’m easily overloaded sometimes. When you hear the different versions of the same event in each gospel over and over, I think the conglomeration of details gets me. I have to step back and let it sink in. I also fear I’d be more like the Sadducee’s than the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ cloak and was healed.

        1. I haven’t gotten to the New Testament–a long way off actually–but I can see how reading the same account multiple times could be overwhelming. I think that’s why I take notes, to keep from getting too detailed. I can write out bits that pop out at me–like the ones above. They may not interest other people, but they seem significant to me.
          And I have to remember, that I’ll be reading through it again in the future. Whatever I don’t absorb this time, I’ll get next time or the time after that.

          I think we’d all be more like the Pharisees and Sadducees than the healed woman–at least at times. I know I tend to “judge” others far more than I should or than I would like to. Some of that is nurturing–my mom was a very critical woman. Some of it is my own sin that I need to work through.

          We are on a road to perfection. Like Paul, we have not reached it. And won’t this side of heaven, but God is more interested in our hearts. Are we sorry? Did we ask for forgiveness? Do we try to do better?

          Sorry, stepped on a mini-soapbox. 😀

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