Those two concepts are hard for this particular lady/wife/mom/teacher/writer. I wear a great many hats each day, but I’m always “doing” something.
Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God…” I know that He is God, but I have problems with the “be still” part. Even when I lay down to sleep at night my mind reviews the events of the day and plans my strategy for the next day or the next week. Then it tends to run on any given tangent. I’ll start thinking about school, move to the mail, which brings me to e-mail, from there we can go to facebook or writing or blogging or even a game I’m playing. My mind wanders. It’s not necessarily logical, and sometimes “I” don’t even know how I went from point A to point B in my thought process.
The point is that I find it hard to rest or relax. I try really hard sometimes because I know it’s what I need to do. I’ve listened to a variety of music. I’ve relaxed on the bed (that lasts about 5 minutes). And you know, it’s not just my physical body that has a hard time resting and relaxing. My spirit seems as restless (if you will), or maybe it’s my flesh just getting in the way. I struggle with resting in the Lord. I want to be “doing” something. I pray often, but forget to stop and listen for an answer. Who asks a question and then doesn’t wait for the answer? o <— That’s me, raising my hand. 🙂 Can you raise your hand too?
God, please help us learn to rest in you. Help us to do that which NEEDS to be done, but not overwhelm ourselves with stuff that You have not called us to do. Thank you Father for answering our prayers, even when we fail to listen. Amen.
If you are successful at resting and relaxing, tell us your secret. Even if you’re not “perfect” at it, let us know what works for you. For me, reading is relaxing to a certain extent. Reading in the bathtub is heavenly. 😉
As always, under HIS wings,

I do get to rest and relax because I have no family to care for. I understand the need for a breather for you would be welcome.
I think true rest–as in quieting the mind and spirit–is difficult for most of us. I like to picture myself sitting at Jesus’ feet with my worries and to-do’s tossed aside.
Oh Ginger.
That verse keeps coming up. I wonder if God is trying to tell me something. yikes.
Rest. Relax. Important things for sure!!
and see you TOMORROW!!!
Rest – SO hard. But I’ve found changing the “noise” in my head helps sometimes. Instead of going over those to-do lists, I force myself to recite memory verses in my head, or hymns, or whatever. After a while, it often “sticks.
Rest and relaxing is something that takes intention effort, at least for me. Music or reading scripture helps me settle my mind and spirit to that place where I can hear His voice. Great article and reminder. Blessings!
Rest and relaxing are so hard for me. My mother should have named me Worry. 🙂
Oh those pictures are PRECIOUS! I just love kids at that age!
Run run run til we kerplunk! That’s about it right now. Actually, my body has forced me to relax and rest lots so my kerplunk happens faster than most people’s.
Hope you can find rest in the midst of the busy-ness.
This is going to sound terrible, but I think my dog has done the best job of teaching me to rest. I wanted a “snuggly” lap dog and got a Westie. Not snuggly… unless you are napping. So if I want to pet the dog, I have to rest! : )
Excellent! Inspirational! ;D
I’m forced to rest way more than I want to because of my disease, but yet I still don’t really rest in my spirit, just being quiet before God. I’m always doing something mentally. It’s something I need to work on, too.