I had a great weekend getaway, but I came home tired. I meant to get this out yesterday morning, but it obviously didn’t happen. I took a nap instead. 😀
So without further ado…
The Lord God is…
- good – Ps. 34:8, 73:1, 135:3, 145:9,
Lam. 3:24, Nah 1:7, 1 Peter 2:3
- near to the brokenhearted – Ps. 34:18
- a God of knowledge – 1 Sam. 2:3
- my/our God – 2 Chr. 13:10, Ps. 18:2,
- One – Deut. 6:4, Mark 12:29, Gal. 3:20
- my portion and cup – Ps. 16:5, 119:57, Lam. 3:24
- King (forever) – Ps. 10:16, 54:4, Is. 33:22, Jer. 10:10
- the upholder of my life – Ps. 54:4
- robed in majesty – Job 37:22, Ps. 93:1
- great in Zion – Ps. 99:2
- exalted over all the peoples – Ps. 99:2, 113:4
- on my side – Ps. 56:9, 110:5, 118:14, 121:5
- my song – Ps 118:14,
- near to all who call on Him in truth – Ps. 145:18
- far from the wicked – Pro. 15:29
- Maker/Creator of all – Pro. 22:2, Is. 40:28
- a God of justice – Is. 30:18
- our judge – Is. 33:22
- our lawgiver – Is. 33:22
- everlasting God – Is. 40:28
- the true God – Jer. 10:10
- the living God – Jer. 10:10
- a God of recompense(repay/reward) – Jer. 51:56
- a refuge – 2 Sam. 22:33, Ps. 46:11, 62:8, Joel 3:16
- a stronghold – Joel 3:16
As before, this is not a comprehensive list of Scripture. There may be one or many more that show God as any one of these.
I highly recommend you search the Scriptures on your own to find out who God is to you, who He can be, and who He will be. He is not all of these things to me at the same time, though HE IS all of them all of the time. Sometimes I don’t need His comfort, but He is always The Comforter. Understand? I hope so.
Happy studying,