, Michelle Meiklejohn |
Okay, so let me be honest…even though the title and the picture say Kangaroos, this post is not about Kangaroos, but about my friend and critique partner, Lucy.
Why the title Kangaroos? Because Lucy is from Australia, so I naturally thought of Kangaroos, and today is the letter K, not the letter L and I just couldn’t wait another week to share.
You see Lucy is a single mum of four young children. She homeschools (yeah!). She writes (yippee). She loves God (hallelujah).
Several weeks ago, I had the privilege of meeting Lucy in person while I was at the ACFW conference in Dallas, TX. Yes, she came all the way from Australia, leaving her young’uns home with a friend, to attend the conference. Her time zone is 12 hours + 2. Our day is her night. Our summer is her winter. The first few days she was a zombie. 🙂
Well, Lucy is a hoot. I had such fun getting to know her better. She’s sweet, too. She brought me TimTams. It’s an Australian biscuit (cookie). The variety she brought me was caramel. YUM! Unfortunately, they are NOT available in the US. Bummer.
During the weekend, I tried to copy her accent. She said I needed to keep working on it. I couldn’t get her name right and I was butchering “g’day”. Ah well, maybe a trip to Australia would help? Yeah, right. I’m much better with “Howdy, y’all!” LOL
Another good thing about Lucy is that she pushes (yes, PUSHES) me to be a better writer. She asks hard questions that make me think (even when I don’t wanna <- insert pout here).
So this post is a great big THANK YOU to my friend from down-under…Lucy.
PS. Beware Susan and Christina. Your time will come. mwahahah!
Here’s the code for the letter J:
G’day Ginger!
Aw! See, you mustn’t hate me too much after all those critiques that I send back looking like a packet of cookie crumbs. 🙂
Thank you for the zombie reference… I think. Took a couple of days to get used to the time difference.
Tim Tams ARE rather addictive. I don’t share mine at home. You’d totally understand if you tasted them. They are the sort of biccy (cookie) that you bring out laaaate at night when no small people can hear the crinkle of the packet and beg you to share. 🙂
Speaking of using kangaroos for the K word… You could have also used Koala’s, Kookaburra’s, Cassowary (has a “k’ sound, that’s close, right?), Kakadu, or Kylie Minogue. All things from Australia that start with a “K”.
Thank you for the honour of having an entire blog post about me. I loved meeting you as well. Shed a tear or two when you left. And it wasn’t just the dust in my eyes. 😉
What a privilege to have you as a critique partner, but also as a friend. God bless. Lucy
Do I detect a slight accent? You’re good, Ginger. Southern, Scottish, and Australian.
I’ve heard awesome things about Tim Tams. The first time I heard about them was from Anna Campbell. Another writer from Aussie.
I sure missed seeing you ladies. I’m planning next year for sure. Got to start saving.
phooeey…Blogger <- eyeroll It wouldn’t let me reply below your posts.
Lucy: I shared my Tim Tams BEFORE I tasted them. 🙂 And I NEED your packages of cookie crumbs regularly.
Christina: LOL on the accents. I look forward to meeting you in person sometime soon.
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What fun to have a crit partner from down under and what joy to actually meet her!
It was a joy to meet her. I look forward to meeting you one of these days too, Diana. 🙂
Thanks for the introduction! Lucy sounds like fun.
She’s loads of fun. 🙂
I enjoyed meeting Lucy at conference too. And she was kinda bouncy like a kangaroo, no? Okay, that might be stretching it a bit.
For all its failings, the BEST thing about the Internet, besides being able to shop online, has to be the connections made over distance and time that were, until our generation, insurmountable!