February – Worship Wednesday

Take a moment and really listen to the songs today. The last couple weeks have been super stressful for me. I started leading a small group in my church, which I love, but I’m taking it over for someone else who ran it for a long time — it’s a service group — and the transition has been a struggle. And we have some family stuff going on that I will be able to share about later, but I can’t right now. All that to say, I’ve needed some of these songs to uplift my spirits and remind me about the God I serve and how GREAT He is.

The video is hard to watch; it’s about grief, but the WORDS. I love the words, so if you can’t watch the video, at least listen to the song.





4 thoughts on “February – Worship Wednesday

  1. That song, My Jesus, gets me every time.

    Sometimes (to me at least) it is a comfort to know that I’m not the only one traveling a rough road….

    1. Knowing that you’re not alone is always helpful–even if the person is not going through your exact situation.

      Big hugs sent your way, Kendra.

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