F is for Furry Friends

F is for Furry Friends
We have a number of furry friends at our house. I’ve posted pictures of them, loved them, hated them, hugged and punished them.
One thing that I like about my furry friends is that no matter what “I” do they love me. They are faithful.
They listen without comment (haha), give love without condition, and stay close when we need them (mostly). 
I think my furry friends are more like God than I am, though I’m made in His image. I forget to listen without putting in my opinions, love unconditionally, or offer sympathy or just a hug when a friend is in need.
So today’s lesson is courtesy of our furry friends everywhere.
Peeta giving Zorro a hug, well, not really.
Zorro is the epitamy of longsuffering when it comes
to the cat. 

  • Listen more.  James 1:19
  • Love unconditionally. 1 Corinthians 13
  • Lean in and offer a hug or a kind word. Galatians 5:22
Now to Fulfill the lessons of my furry friends.  🙂


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