Devotional Release & Staying Home

This is going to be a SHORT post.  I have limited quiet time these days with all four of my youngest and my husband home due to Covid-19, so I have to take advantage of it while I have it. 🙂

So far, we are okay. It has been an adjustment. Youngest daughter is home from college and has taken over my office. I had moved her bed in there to use as a daybed for me, because she didn’t come home to stay much. And she had no plans to return home to live at any time in the future. God’s laughing at us both, I think. So she has my “office” as her bedroom for at least the next couple months. My recliner and rolling desk have been relegated to the dining room, which is not optimal, but the best alternative given the rest of the choices. 🙂

< My chair and desk.

The view from my desk. >

My dining room, rarely used, is also my “art” studio. Can we say multi-functional room? LOL

At least I love the color of the room and the paintings we found spark some great daydreams. 🙂 #newnormal

Now to my latest release, Love is … A Writers Look at 1 Corinthians 13. It released last week, I think–It’s been a long few weeks, y’all. And honestly I forgot to announce it here or put it on my books page or write a newsletter (that’s next on my to-do list).

About the book:

February is considered the month of love, but every month should be a time to love—to show it, to feel it, to receive it (sometimes the hardest thing).

First Corinthians 13 has long been called the love chapter. In this short devotional, the author provides her view on the Love is … verses. While not a theologian or an expert on love, her perspective has touched the hearts of her readers.

Originally posted on the blog, the devotions were modified and updated–though not significantly changed–to fit this format.

Available at Amazon.

And that’s it. I pray you are all staying safe.

Many blessings,


2 thoughts on “Devotional Release & Staying Home

  1. Ginger, I can relate lol
    Four kiddos to homeschool when both my hubby and I are working…it’s an adjustment.
    Blessings to you and yours!

  2. I’m used to the homeschooling part. It’s having everyone–hubby included–under foot ALL the time that has me a little stressed. 🙂 It’s all good, though. I loved having my kids home with me all the time when they all lived here. We’re all making adjustments.

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