Penny, thank you for coming. Please tell us about yourself. Hi Ginger! It’s great to be here. I am a wife, mom, and author of several books (both fiction and nonfiction) and numerous magazine articles in national and regional publications. I also write a humor blog titled “A Day in the Life of a Wife, Mom, and Author” where I include movie reviews from a Christian point of view. I am an active volunteer and serve as a women’s Bible study-small group leader, and I also lead a women’s prayer group. My goal is to assist and nurture women and children into a closer relationship with Christ. Hailee is the final book in my Montana Skies Historical Romance Series, which began with McKenzie and Kaydie.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing? When I’m not writing, I enjoy spending time with my family and camping, hiking, canoeing, reading, gardening, and playing volleyball.
Speaking of writing, can you give us a blurb about your latest book, Hailee? Sure, Ginger. The blurb for Hailee is as follows:
For years, orphan Hailee Annigan was just a ragamuffin in the Cincinnati streets, stealing food to keep her two younger brothers fed. Her thievery landed her in a home for delinquent youngsters, where her life was changed, thanks to her teachers. Now, nineteen-year-old Hailee excitedly heads to Montana to be a teacher, yet she’s still plagued by her shameful past and the fear of never seeing her brothers again.
Based on his upbringing in high-society Boston, no one would have guessed that Nate Adams would attend seminary and become a church pastor in rugged Montana. Even now, Nate’s parents refuse to put aside their own plans for his future and accept his calling.
When their paths converge, an immediate attraction draws Hailee and Nate together, even as the pressures and demands of others pull them apart. Can the unlikely pair come to terms with their pasts and face the future together?
How did you know you were called to write? I have had a love for writing since I was in second grade and rewrote Bible stories in my own little second grade commentary. Throughout my school years, I would write stories and “publish” them in homemade cardboard books. In high school, I wrote stories where my friends were the main characters.
Fast forward several years to November of 2000 when I surrendered my writing to the Lord. I quit my fulltime job with a social services governmental agency so I could stay home with my infant daughter. That was the start of my career, beginning with writing magazine articles. Writing is my ministry and my passion and I pray I will glorify Him with each word I write.
What is your favorite part of the writing process? I love the creation of characters. My books are character-driven, so I love being able to create situations and dialogue. I enjoy developing how the characters will respond to various situations throughout the book based on their personalities.
What do you love about this story? I love Hailee’s story because it gives such a wonderful example of forgiveness and of second chances. It also reinforces the fact that God is with us always. I also love to infuse humor into my novels, so that, too, would be one of my favorite things about this story.
Where can readers purchase a copy? Hailee can be purchased at your favorite bookstore or at online retailers, such as Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/Hailee-Montana-Skies-Penny-Zeller/dp/1603742182/ref=pd_sim_b_58
What was your favorite subject(s) in school? English was my favorite subject (surprise, surprise) after recess, of course! I liked pretty much all of the subjects in school, with the exception of anything related to math. Math and I have never gotten along!
Do you have a favorite Bible verse? I have so many favorite Bible verses, but if I had to narrow it down, I would say it’s a tie between Psalm 19:14 and Psalm 91.
What’s up next for your readers? I am currently working on a series that takes place after the Civil War. I’ve completed the first draft of the first book and am currently writing the second.
I look forward to reading it when it comes out. Where can fans find you on the internet?
I love to connect with my readers at my website www.pennyzeller.com,
my blog www.pennyzeller.wordpress.com,
on Twitter at http://twitter.com/pennyzeller, and
on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Penny-A-Zeller/96391560959?ref=ts where I post updates about new books, giveaways, events, and Just-for-Fun Fridays.
Thank you, again, Ginger, for graciously hosting me on your blog. It’s been an honor to be here!
It’s been an honor having you. Thanks for coming.
Good Morning, Ginger ~ Thank you again for interviewing me on your blog. Have a wonderful week!
I love the theme of this book – going to add it to my TBR pile:) And Psalm 91 is near and dear to my heart also. Great interview!
I love the 91st Psalm. Great interview and I look forward to reading Hailee!
Awesome, thank you for sharing your journey to publication!
Penny, Thank you for the interview.
Susan, Rita and Penny – Ps 91 seems to be a popular chapter. I love it myself. The protection of being “UNDER HIS WINGS” is so awesome.
Oh wow, Susan! I am honored that you have added Hailee to your TBR pile. Thank you SO much! I hope you have a fantastic weekend 🙂
Thank you, Rita, for your kind words about my interview and “Hailee.” I think Psalm 91 is so comforting and powerful because it really illustrates God’s love and protection over us. It’s awesome to meet another fellow Psalm 91er!
Hi Niki~ Thank you for stopping by Ginger’s blog. She does such a fantastic job on her blog and I love her tab “the zoo…err…the family” lol! I appreciate your kind words and hope you have a blessed weekend!
I loved the interview. I look forward to more of your work Penny. God Bless with Love Jeanne
Jeanne – Wow! It’s awesome to see a familiar face! Thank you for stopping by and for your kind compliment about the interview. God Bless!