My word for the day is Overwhelmed…
But that’s just how I’m feeling this morning. Later today I will be fine. I haven’t been posting regularly for several weeks, except for this Meme. There is just too much Other stuff going on.
- I’m taking a writing class – time consuming as I actually have to THINK. LOL
- I have a full-time job – well, it’s not out of my house and I don’t get paid for it, but it has its own rewards – homeschooling six of my seven children, though one is only part-time
- I’ve joined a small-group of Other like-minded writers and we’re sharing our work.
- Every evening, M-Thursday I’m Out of my house for various activities.
- I’m in mid-editing stage on a book, and it’s frustrating me because I want it to be wonderful, but I also want it to be done.
- I’m trying to plan to go to the ACFW Conference in September. I have to register, but before I can do that I have to decide who I want to see and sometimes it’s hard to make that decision. I also have to find the best airline rates I can because driving to Dallas from N. Alabama is not doable (well, I could, but I would be exhausted by the time I got back).
- It’s Spring and I want to be outside.
- It’s Spring and I want to be OUTSIDE – well, not today because it’s raining, but you know what I mean.
- Oh, I also have a stack of books I promised to read and more coming, I think.
- I can’t forget all the other things a mom/wife is expected to perform – laundry, dinner, blah…blah…blah.
Okay, so there’s my whine for the day. When I look at it up close and personal like this, I know I can do it, just ONE step at a time.
Please forgive me and know that I am thankful that 1) I have a family to spend my time on and with, 2) that I have the ability to write a good story (if I do say so myself) and complete it, 3) that I have a blog where I can post my whines and winnings, 4) God loves me even when I Overwhelm myself, and 5) that you’ve bothered to read all the way through this post. 🙂
May God rain showers of blessings upon you today,
You are really blessed to have a family and to be able to home school. Good for you! Time passes so quickly, enjoy them while you can.
Overwhelmed. Yes, I think that’s one a lot of readers can relate to. I want to hear all about ACFW conference. I’m not going this year, have yet to do so.
I so understand. Everyday I get up and remind myself that you eat an elephant one bite at a time. So working on the novel, even if I only get a few hundred words in, I consider it another bite…
Overwhelmed is right. I absolutely understand. One step, one day at a time. I know your book will be fantastic and all the frustration will be worth it. Take time to breathe.
I think we all have issues with becoming overwhelmed. I know I’m overwhelmed with my current WIP and I think I may have to table it for a little while so I definately understand!
Blech. In the process of merging households with oldest child, SIL and g-baby and moving back to homestead with my parents in June, I fully comprehend overwhelmed. Thank GOD that He promised to bear us up!