A2Z Take 2 Meme “S”

I love to sing. I love to write. I wish I could write songs, but usually the songs that spew forth from my heart would make no sense to others, and they certainly aren’t beautiful. Some of them are down right horrible. BUT I know that God loves my singing because all of the songs that I make up are about Him–thanking Him, worshiping Him, honoring Him.
This is a picture from last year’s ACFW conference. I was so blessed to be a part of this wonderful group. 
Today, take a few minutes and worship God in Song. Sing a new song from your heart to your heavenly Father. Bless him with your words today.
Ever singing,

2 thoughts on “A2Z Take 2 Meme “S”

  1. i love singing too. Am ok for a choir not not a soloist. Did produce two kids with great voices though so do enjoy that. Great S word

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