A new year is almost upon us. Are you ready?
I’m not sure I am. Of course I realize it’s really only a new day with a new end date, but somehow it feels different. Don’t you think?
It’s a day or at least a time of reflection–looking back to see what worked and what didn’t work in the last year.
I wonder if getting a separate website was a good move. It seems I might have lost some folks in the transition, and few of you comment anymore.
So, here’s my question to you, my loyal readers who don’t comment: What would you like to see different here?
- Do you like the Monday Musings? Do they make you think more about your relationship with God? Challenge you? Bore you?
- What about Writer Wednesdays? Are the writers not to your liking? Would you prefer giveaways (which means you’d have to comment)?
- Do you read the reviews I post on Fridays? Are they helpful?
What would make any of these things better?
I need your feedback to make this site work for you, otherwise, it’s just me writing a journal for my own benefit, and that’s not really what I want to do here.
Thanks for your input,
PS. I’m tweaking my site to try to make it better. If it changes between your visits, that’s why.
I really look forward to your blog posts each week. I do not really like to leave comments. This will be an exception, because I would really want to continue to get your blog posts. I enjoy each specific blog category for its own merit. If you had a give away, it would not make me leave a comment. Learning about different authors on Wednesdays helps me to appreciate them even more. The Friday reviews are good and informative. I hope to continue getting your blog in the future.
Thank you for leaving a comment, Betty, if though you really don’t like to. Some sort of feedback is always helpful, as I’m sure you know. I appreciate your support.
I read it except for reviews. I rarely read reviews anywhere. I try to comment when I have time…
Thanks, Jennifer.