My husband and I just returned from a two and a half week vacation. We took two back-to-back cruises in Europe. I love visiting new places, but I’m exhausted from the travel. We’ve been home a couple days, but my body has not readjusted to the Central time zone yet. It thinks getting up at 4:30-5:00 am is a good idea. Well, not my body, but my brain. LOL
We came home Saturday. We woke at 5:30 am (Italy time), effectively 10:30pm (Friday) Central. We arrived home (my physical house) at about that time on Saturday night. I showered and crashed, only to wake up at 5 am, unable to go back to sleep. I napped but limited it to one hour, thinking I would sleep later Monday morning. I also forced myself to stay up until about 10:30 pm, my normal bed time. Another 5 am wake up. Tuesday it was 4:30. I’m frustrated with my body.
The older I get, the longer it takes for me to recover from trips, especially lengthy ones. I’ve told my husband that we can’t do back-to-back cruises any more. I just get too tired.
I took several manuscripts with me, but didn’t crack them open even once. Had no desire to do so. This makes me sad. And discouraged. I want to want to write. I have ideas for books, lots of them. I want to share them with you. But I can’t seem to force myself to write. I always come up with something else to do–read, play games, watch YouTube, clean (gasp). I know I need to give myself a break, but I’ve had a “break” for many months now. I NEED to write or give up. Except every time I think it’s time to give up, it makes me feel like I’m not fulfilling my calling. So I struggle on or at least try to.
Here are some pics from my trip. These are not really in any order. If you’d like a proper description of my trip, let me know in the comments, and I’ll add more pics with some commentary. 🙂

Greece is somewhere I had always wanted to visit. I can’t now, but I love to live vicariously through the experiences of others! Thanks for sharing.
As for not writing, that is ok. Let your mind rest. God will put words in your fingertips to type if that is His plan. Enjoy “retirement” now that your brood is done with school!
Amazing pictures! Thank you for sharing!!!
You’re welcome.
I’m not a writer but lead a faith-based non-profit that seeks to help women and men gain confidence through upgraded work skills and Bible study. I have volunteered with this group for 16 years and on staff for 4. Sometimes I am bone weary from wanting change for our students more than they do. But God knows when we need inspiration. Out of the blue I got a phone call from a former student who told me what she is doing with her life now. We hadn’t heard from her in years. She not only got her GED certificate she went on to a 4 year degree, then her masters, and is now heading for a Phd. That is a seed we didn’t know we had planted, that God grew without our knowledge.
You just never know what God is up to. Just when you are ready to pack it in, He says “wait a minute, I’m not done with you yet. You just need to rest and recover.” Been there a few times!! Your encouragement will come. God isn’t done with your writing yet!
Thank you for the encouragement, Nancy.