The Color of Green by Tanya Eavenson

Today A Bed of Roses…Thorns Included welcomes Tanya Eavenson, debut author and someone I’m proud to call my friend. Please help me make her feel welcome.

Tanya Eavenson and her husband have been in the ministry for fifteen years teaching youth, adults, and counseling. Tanya enjoys spending time with her husband, and their three children. Her favorite pastime is grabbing a cup of coffee and reading a good book. Tanya is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and writes for Christ to the World Ministries sharing the Gospel around the world.

You can find her on Twitter at @Tan_eave and contact her at her website
Want to learn more about writing? Stop by her blog

Newbie Green
By Tanya Eavenson
When you think of the color green, many things may pop into your mind. But today, we’re going to talk about a shade of green that is hard to pinpoint, but everyone has worn at some point in their life. Newbie green.

This term is where I found myself three years ago when God called me to write. I remember saying with ready fingers pressed on the keyboard, “Are you sure, God? I never wanted to write. Never cared to write.” But there I was, typing away at the keys with a burden to share a story I had no idea where it was heading.

As time passed, I believed I was closer to reaching my personal goals, but every time I thought I learned something, I discovered there was more to understand. Learning comes in layers, peeling away what was there to find something exciting, sometimes difficult, yet new.
I began entering contests, guest blogging, attending conferences, starting blogs, and writing for a mission organization. I laugh because the more I learn, the more I realize I will always be a shade of green, even now as my debut novel Unconditional has released. Have I stayed the same shade? No, I’ve darkened a bit. However, I’m still typing away, telling others what God has placed on my heart, unsure where I’m heading.

I’ve also recognized the story I’m writing isn’t the story I set out to write. It has to do with this journey I’m on as an author. How I share Christ with others. How I love people. Or how, relying on God to direct my path takes faith. I don’t know where He will lead me, but I do know I need to trust Him. That’s the real story.
So, what shade of green are you? Newbie green, just starting off, or hunter green, enriched with more strokes from the Creator’s hand. If we are following after Christ, He will continually cause us to learn and grow, molding us to His image. And the blessings from a deeper walk with Him, is our pouring out of His love through our words onto the page for all to see.

About Unconditional:

He will fight for her at any cost…

Elizabeth Roberts can’t remember her past, and the present is too painful. She turns to nightclubs and drinking to forget her infant daughter’s death, her husband’s affair.

When his wife’s coma wiped out the memory of their marriage, Chris Roberts found comfort elsewhere. He can’t erase his betrayal, but with God’s help he’s determined to fight for Elizabeth at any cost.

She wants to forget. He wants to save his marriage. Can they trust God with their future and find a love that’s unconditional?

What others are saying:

“Unconditional is a powerfully-gripping story of deep heartache laced with fears, yet even through the sorrow, Tanya Eavenson reminds us that nothing can separate us from God’s love.”
 ~ Alice J. Wisler, author of “Still Life in Shadows” and other novels

“Not your typical amnesia story, Unconditional tells a tale of loss, betrayal, and forgiveness. Eavenson drags her characters through the fire, then reveals God’s power through their broken lives. The writing is stellar; the emotion, raw and palpable; the cast, impeccably crafted. This author is one to be watched!”~ April W Gardner, award-winning author

Unconditional explores the struggles that married couples sometimes experience, and the decisions they must make after going through difficult circumstances. A powerful story of hope and healing.”
~ Laura V. Hilton, Healing Love (Whitaker House) 

Where you can find it:

Astraea Press

And now back to Tanya’s question…what shade of green are you? Newbie green? Hunter green? Or somewhere in between?


5 thoughts on “The Color of Green by Tanya Eavenson

  1. I am newbie green. God steered me into my calling June 2012 when I heard for the first time the word blog. Since then I began two blogs and have written my first Christian fantasy novel. I always wanted to write but never thought I could. Thank you Lord.
    Awesome post. Blessings from newbie green.

  2. Welcome, Retha! Love meeting another newbie green. =)

    I’m so glad you’re writing, and congrats on your fantasy novel! May God bless you for stepping out in faith and going for it!

    Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!

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