Mary Hamilton’s Hear No Evil, a YA (young adult) novel, touches on a young teenager’s view of his circumstances. It was an interesting story with several applications which could be applicable to all of our lives. One that struck me the most — and is the hardest to realize at times — is that God loves us no matter what, and circumstances are not always as they seem to us when we are in the midst of the storm.
I highly recommend this novel to anyone aged 12 and over. Although it is written for younger readers, it has plenty of lessons for the rest of us.
Back cover:
Summer camp is no fun for Brady McCaul. The girl with the cute dimples thinks he’s immature and childish. The camp bully targets him with cruel taunts and teasing, and flips Brady’s canoe to keep him from winning the race. But worst of all, his mom won’t let him come home. She doesn’t want him living with her anymore. Brady wonders if even God cares about him.
Rating: 4 roses