Recipe of the Month: Sneaky Treat

Hello Reader Friends! He is Risen!

It doesn’t matter where you go, store shelves everywhere are filled with Easter candy. We celebrate the Lamb, but I have a weakness for those chocolate-covered peanut butter eggs. 2 problems:

  • We have severe peanut allergies in this house, so no peanut butter.
  • I have blood sugar issues, so no candy.

My kids think I am nuts, but a girl needs her sweet treats! Chocolate is a must. This  “recipe” is how I treat myself while avoiding my issues.

I take one chocolate rice cake and put one tablespoon of Sunbutter on it (you can totally use any nut butter you like). One chocolate rice cake has 4 grams of sugar. 1 tablespoon of Sunbutter is only 1.5 grams of sugar. I get full, AND I can trick myself into thinking I had a naughty sweet treat for less than 6 grams of sugar. Is it as yummy as a chocolate-covered peanut butter egg? No. But, when milk chocolate and peanut butter are prohibited, this is a good fake-out.

Happy snacking and have a blessed Easter,

