Recipe of the Month (July): Corn

Hello Summer Vacation Reader Friends. First, I must wish you a Happy 4th!

Major lousy news day here … My Kindle died, and my charging cord is missing. I know. Terrible! I had to order a new one. Ha!

Silly-Sad news aside, one thing I love about summer is fresh corn still in the husk. Yes, there are a million + 1 ways to cook corn. However, there is just something comforting about a simple, no-frills corn-on-the-cob side.

What makes me cringe is overcooked corn. When I eat that corn-on-the-cob with butter, salt, and pepper, it should snap, be sweet, and bite.

Here is my favorite way of making corn-on-the-cob. Again, I don’t have a specific recipe but rather a method.

  • Shuck FRESH corn- my family needs a lot- however many you want
  • Fill a big pot 2/3 of the way with water
  • Add a splash of milk (maybe ½ cup or so) and about two tablespoons of sugar
  • Bring the water to a gentle boil. DO NOT WALK AWAY; you will get a boil-over mess from the milk.
  • Insert your cleaned FRESH cobs into the boiling water. Be careful. I use tongs.
  • Boil for 3 MINUTES ONLY. I’m serious. Don’t overcook your corn!
    • Serve simply … butter, salt and pepper on the side


Happy Summer Eating,



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