O is for Opportunity
Opportunity to smile.
Opportunity to give with sincerity.
Opportunity to receive with thankfulness.
How often do we forget how blessed we are, being grateful for the things we have instead of bemoaning the things we don’t have?
I know I often forget how blessed I am. I bemoan the work my large family requires and forget the blessings they give in return. Someone is always available if I need a hug. 🙂 I have lots of helpers with cleaning, dinner and dishes. Even if I’m in a bad mood, someone else is smiling.
Take the OPPORTUNITY today, right here in the comments section, to be thankful for something you’ve been blessed with. And remember throughout today to be thankful for even the little things.
Thank you for the opportunity to express my grattitude.
I am grateful for friends.
I am grateful for your comments, Diana. 🙂
I’m thankful God is in control, even when jobs are uncertain. I’m also thankful for granddaughters who light up my life. 🙂
Amen, Valerie. God is SO in control, even when we can’t see it. 🙂
When I wrote my O started of with opportunity too.As I wrote I thought to rather use that for next week P.
I am thankful for a new day. The old has past all is new.