N is for NaNoWriMo
Six days into NaNoWriMo(National Novel Writing Month).
I should have close to 12,000 words done. In order to reach the expected 50,000 words, I have set a personal goal of 2,000/day.
My actual word count is: 12,675 I’m hip-hoppin’ happy. 😉
Here are some things that I’ve done to prepare:
*write several blogs for November in advance, including this one (it was actually written over a week ago and I just plugged in the actual word count).
*research parts of my story in advance – a hard task for this die-hard pantser (I typically write without knowing where the story is going).
*enlisted accountability partners
*informed my family of this commitment, as it will take a lot of time
Things I should have done, but didn’t:
*made meals in advance
*done more research
And I’m sure there will be more as the month continues.
So, if you’re participating in this year’s NaNoWriMo, what did you do to prepare? If you’re not, what are some things you do to prepare for stressful/busy times in your life?
Congratulations on being so on target with your schedule.
For me stressful times appear without me knowing it is coming. Making it difficult to prepare.
If I know we will be busy for a few days in a row I try to think of what we will eat in advance and let the rest happen as it comes.
Congrats, Ginger! And thanks for clearing up for me what NaNoWriMo is! Sorry… I don’t write fiction & I’m really just jumping into writing full time, so I have a LOT to learn. That in itself is stressful (full-time writing). But I’m working on it! ;-]
Retha: It is hard to always know when stressful times are coming. Preparing food in advance of a busy time is wise.
Shelley: Congrats on your new writing journey. Good luck. BTW, the learning never stops. 🙂
Ginger, you are doing great! I did NOTHING to prepare in advance. *sigh* So far I’m maintaining (word count and keeping my household in clean undies) but it’s early, yet!
At any rate, I will have a LOT of revising and editing to do at the end of November!