Wow, it’s been a week since I posted. It has flown by.
My chicks hatched last week, but unfortunately out of the 42 eggs I incubated, I only wound up with 6 chicks. So I began a new batch. Either my roosters are lazy or the hens made themselves scarce. 🙂
Richard and Caleb returned home from their ski trip in Utah, tired, but in one piece. They said it snowed almost every day they were there. I don’t want to go skiing, but I could enjoy this view out my window everyday. 🙂
Caleb turned 16 last week. He should be getting his license next week. It would have been this week, but he had all four of his wisdom teeth removed on Monday and we weren’t sure how that would affect him. He is doing fine.
I started week 3 of my diet yesterday. As of this morning I’ve lost 6 pounds. Yippee!! I thought it would be hard, but it really isn’t. I’m eating frequently. My schedule goes something like this:
- 7:00 – breakfast
- 8:30 – snack
- 10:00 – meal 2
- 11:30 – snack 2
- 2:00 – meal 3
- 5:30 – meal 4
- 7:00 pm – snack 3
This week is comprised of mostly protein drinks or smoothies with a few additions of fruits and vegetables. The snacks are usually in the 100 calorie range. I’m still not all that hungry. 🙂
We will be cleaning the tack room this weekend. It’s also where we store our chicken and horse feed. The mice found it this winter and made a mess. Richard will be going next week to replenish our supplies, so we have to make room for the new feed.
Richard also planted tomato and pepper seeds inside. We won’t transplant them until May, so they should be healthy by then.
The weather here has been wetter than normal for winter, but it’s not like the west or northeast, thankfully. We’ve had snow flurries, but no accumulation.
What the weather like where you live? What are you doing to prepare for spring?