The summer has gone by way too fast for me. I know it’s still summer–and it sure feels like it here in Alabama–but the days seem to fly by faster the older I get.
Most of July I spent in Europe. We went to visit friends and then went on a river cruise down the Danube. Here are some of my photos. Sadly, ALL of the pics I took from the cruise have disappeared. I either inadvertently deleted them while trying to save them or something else happened. I’m very bummed by this because I had some cool pics. Anyway, here are some I do have.

These last four are from my husband’s pics. The fountains were unique, to say the least. The last one, the castle on the hill, is in Passau, Germany. We walked up SOOOO many steps to reach it, but it was beautiful. 🙂
I had so many other pics that I wanted to share with you. Anyway, we had fun. I was exhausted by the time we came home, but it was exciting. I LOVED the architecture in all the countries (Germany, Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary) that we visited.
I’ve also been busy repainting my dining room. Here are those pics.
The original color had been on the walls since soon after we moved in 17 yrs ago–it was beige before. I liked it, obviously, but my kids didn’t. So, I decided to go for an updated look. The blue tape was measuring out the picture molding that I added to make sure I had my calculations correct. Because the pink/maroon was such a dark color, I needed to prime the walls first. I then painted the dark gray. I painted the base coat of the white on the walls and on the molding before I attached it to the walls. It got a touch-up coat after I nailed it to the walls. The gray wall is where I’ve hung my children’s wedding photos (four so far), but I don’t have a pic of that.

I pray the rest of your summer is refreshing. See you in September when I will start posting more regularly. It may not be once a week, but at least once a month. Thank you for your patience as I struggle to recover from a major burnout in many areas of my life. Hugs to you all.
It is wonderful to have you back!
I love the new look! Beautiful!
Thank you.