My first blog on the Names of God Meme. I hope you’ll join me in telling others who God is and what He’s done for you.
Let me tell you about an experience I had a number of years ago. I don’t remember what was going on in my life at the time, but I was distraught. I was to the point of not being able to function anymore. I ran away, well as far as I could with small children in the house. I think it must have been some time in the afternoon (nap time) because I wasn’t bothered for a while. I “ran” into my bedroom, closed and locked the door, and turned on “Holy” by Nichole Nordeman. I fell on my knees and sang and cried out to God, my comforter. When the song was off, I remember just rocking back and forth on my knees, with my eyes closed, crying out to God.
God met me in that place; the place where I had NOTHING left to give – not to Him, not to my children, not to my husband. I felt the PHYSICAL presence of God that day. It brings tears to my eyes just remembering the feeling of love and security as His arms embraced me. You may think me strange, but I felt His arms hugging me that day. He held me and let me cry. He showed me His love. He Comforted me in my brokenness.
Thank you God for being my Comforter not just when I can “feel” you, but in those moments when it seems as if you’re far away. I know you’re not; you’re always with me.
Even if you don’t blog, I welcome your comments and would love to know how God has been your comforter.
Under HIS wings,
PS. I hope the link tool works…if not, please post your blog URL in the comments section, so we can visit you and see how God has touched your life.