Yep. All the way random.
Stayed up late last night–12:30 a.m. I know, not late for some of you, however I am usually putting my head on the pillow by 10:30 p.m. I was reading Prophetess, sequel to Winter, by Keven Newsome. I’ll be posting my review soon, so look for it. 😉
I learned how to operate WordPress this morning, as I will be co-blogging with some fellow writers at Writing Prompts & Thoughts & Ideas…Oh My! starting in March. My posts will appear on the second Tuesday of every month. Come check it out.
I also prepared my garage to receive my new chicks, due this week. (Yes, this is the bottom half of a doghouse.) I start the babies in the garage and when they get too big for that enclosure, but are still too small to move to the big chicken coop, I put them in a stall in the barn. It had to be repaired slightly since one of our dogs decided it was a good place to dig. In the big coop, I have a hen brooding. I set aside a little space that I hope she’ll use if and when any of her eggs hatch. I am not counting on any of her chicks surviving. It will be an added bonus if they do.
What’s going on at your house this weekend?
So does that mean you are ‘counting your chickens before they hatch’ or not?? 😉
My Saturday involved me waking up with a bed full of toddlers plus my sister. Ok, maybe it wasn’t quite a FULL bed but it sure felt like it! We chatted, tidied up, read books together, and then attended a wedding of a couple from my church. The wedding was held in the middle of a lucerne (alfalfa) paddock. Lots of lovely white chairs and white umbrellas. Because of the toddlers we sat in the back row which was made of haybales covered with calico and tied with brown string. Very striking! Afterwards we got to drink punch, eat various slices, chat etc. We went home and chatted some more, tidied up, and then my sister went home. 🙁 Miss her! I pottered for the rest of the arvo and tried to work on some more edits. All in all, a lovely day. 🙂